Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Quote Of The Day! Also, I Accidentally Come Off As Really Creepy!

Posted by: Jen

And without further ado, the Quote of the Day (or week, because Palin hasn't been interviewed lately):

"Model turned actor, dime a dozen, eye candy, doesn't know what he's doing ... and Perez Hilton says I have 'gayface'. So on top of everything else, I have to overcome gayface." -- Chace Crawford on the public criticism of his thespian skillz in this month's Details magazine

Dan: Slack-jawed
Chuck: Brooding
Nate: Pure sex

Um, so Chace, some of those things may or may not be true, but you DO NOT have gayface. Trust me. Because I want to lick it.


Kim & Jen said...

My favorite thing about this post is that Penn and Ed are making THE EXACT SAME FACE ...

But Penn is slack-jawed, and Ed is brooding. Which is totally true. Love.

Also, is it me, or is Chace ... funny? Which requires brain function? Which means he's EVEN BETTER THAN NATE?!

Oh, what a great morning.


Anonymous said...

I'm gonna bet that Chuck has been practicing his poses in the mirror for a while now, so he knows how to photograph. He is not, however, smiling with his eyes.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the SUPER HOT pic!!
I tagged you in my last post!
Love the blog - im officially a fan!