Thursday, September 11, 2008

Song Of The Week!

Posted by: Jen

Ok, so we've never had a Song of The Week before, and I don't imagine it will actually become a weekly thing because my music appreciation amounts to Top 40, anything Jay-Z makes and Apple commercials. But REGARDLESS (!!!), this song is awesome and I want to share it with you, Dear Readers.

Basically, I heard it out one time and was all, "Oh I like that!" and then I heard it in a store (probably Forever 21, sue me) and was all, "Oh I like that, what IS it?" and because I never actually remember to follow up on music-heard-yet-unnamed, I completely forgot. Cut to last night when my boyfriend was playing music and this came on and I FINALLY found out what it was. Now, please enjoy. XOXO.

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