Thursday, April 10, 2008

What If My Conscience Tells Me To Cut A Bitch?

Posted by: Jen

Ok, so this whole “Conscience Clause” thing has been in the news for a while now and I feel like I have to say something about it. For those of you who don’t know, there are Health Provider “refusal clauses” that were enacted in response to the Supreme Court’s Roe Vs. Wade ruling in 1973. Basically, these clauses allow doctors and other healthcare providers to refuse to provide certain reproductive health services to women if they feel it violates THEIR morals or personal beliefs (to read more, click here, or to see what the crazies are thinking, click here). This includes refusing to perform an abortion, assist with one, and allowing hospitals to refuse to have them performed on their premises.

Fine, ok, whatever. Like, normally doctors who perform abortions aren’t like “They made me do it waaahhh!” Most want to be doing them because they care about helping women. But, the really distressing thing about this is that it allows pharmacists to refuse to fill certain prescriptions, such as Plan B and BIRTH CONTROL (neither of which are remotely close to abortion).

So basically, Mr. (or Mrs./Miss/Ms. – but let’s be serious, probably not a Ms.) Holier Than Thou has the right to decide that because HE THINKS someone shouldn’t be able to have a certain prescription, then they shouldn’t. Why is it any of their business? Why is it someone else’s right to decide something for me? I find it very demeaning that some asshole pharmacist thinks he can decide that he is the moral authority – that he knows what is better for me/your sister/cousin/mom/girlfriend than I/they do – and could potentially cause huge changes in someone’s life. I feel like if you don’t want to do a part of the job then you shouldn’t have it. The End.

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