Sunday, April 13, 2008

Because I am nothing if not up to date on which Major League Baseball players are appropriate crush material.

Posted by: Kim

Kim: 'Johnny Damon is looking great! Like way less performance-enhancing drug-ly huge than he has seemed to be in recent years!'

Kim's Roommate: 'Aren't you supposed to hate him?'

Kim: 'I feel like hating him is so two years ago. Now, I mean, dude's hot and can still run fast. But not as hot or fast as Ellsbury. So, you know. It's like moving on to far, far better things and being able to man up and recall with vague amusement and some affection a relationship that met a bitter, fiery end when the guy cheated on you with 40 of the devil's bitches. Which sucked, but really, he was so big and dumb and hot that you pretty much just have to let it go and laugh and check out his ass while he's stealing bases.'

Kim's Roommate: ' ... Right. He does look nice without the ten tons of hair.'

Kim: 'Yeah.'

Go Red Sox!

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