Friday, April 18, 2008

From The Bleachers They Screamin'

Posted by: Jen

So Barack Obama was giving a speech yesterday and when talking about personal attacks in politics he channeled The Greatest, Jay-Z and did a little dirt-off-your-shoulder action. I enjoyed that, but I liked him already anyway. You can see the clip here.

Next time Barry, I suggest doing it with a little more attitude. You can come to my neighborhood and we can get burritos and people watch and you can learn how it's really done. Doooo it!

I say, let the "elitists" run America! Couldn't hurt might help. I mean, look what voting (TWICE, thanks guys, really) for some "aw shucks" kind of dude got us into. Also boys and girls, just because a president talks like a hick and is stupid doesn't mean he's not actually WASP-y old New England money. Come on, let's teach evolution and drink lattes and kill babies together! I know you want to America.

Nobody who runs for president is "normal" -- dare I say that they are all incredible egomaniacs? I mean, who wakes up in the morning and is like, "You know what? I CAN make potentially life altering decisions for millions of people, I'm going to run for president!" Also, I am highly doubtful that anyone elected would make a noticeable difference anyway; the government can't get out of its own way unless they are blowing tax money on ridiculous things and people.

Hey France, wanna adopt me? Parlay vou ingles si vou play?

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