Thursday, April 3, 2008

Heidi And John Are Totes In Lovvveeee!

Posted by: Jen

So Heidi Montag endorsed John McCain the other day, and Spencer was all, "Shut up Heidi, no one cares what you think!" (I do! Heidi, you are so cute - though I will NEVER support the boob job - and I don't care that you are a Republican or that you totally jacked Elodie for her job at Bolthouse or that you unleashed "Body Language" upon the world! You could do way better than Spencer. May I suggest Hitler, or maybe a sea slug?).

Well Spencer, apparently, John McCain does care what Heidi thinks! Consider my mind blown... Or is a this a job done by the crafty Megan McCain to show that her dad is down with the kids these days? Well played Megan. Well played.

It will make no difference in the election. Obviously, everyone like Heidi is already voting for McCain and all of the people who are Heidi fans (admit it, everyone is) but not like Heidi are voting for someone else.

Next, to decide the outcome of the Democrat primaries, I would like to see Obama and Clinton face off in a game of Beirut.

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