You can hide behind your Birkin all you want but it seems to me the true colors are coming out. Come hither stare! With a gun! IN PLATFORM ESPADRILLES! My head has just exploded with the trashtasticness of it all.
Heidi, exactly which demographic are you trying to pander to here? You got all of the spoiled 16 year olds so now you are going after people with cars on their lawns? OMG, why don't you just put on an American Flag bikini while you're at it?
I know Spencer put you up to this, but if Spencer jumped off a bridge, would you do it to? Do not answer me, I have officially moved to team Audrina all the way. And Lauren. The worst Lauren would do is go out of the house in Old Navy flip flops and maybe drink too many margaritas and push someone in the pool. Sigh. I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed.
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