Thursday, July 31, 2008

My Serious Non Rhetorical Question Of The Day:

Posted by: Jen

Does the Bush family have ties with Exxon?

Sorry, that was my father finally rubbing off on me and my conspiracy theorist coming through (please, don't even ask me what I think about the correlation between banning reproductive choices and poverty and the big plan to keep us down).

But JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, Exxon makes the biggest profit in like the history of ever and we've been sitting here (well, not me, because I don't drive) paying $4+ a gallon? I mean, I kind of assumed that because prices were up everyone suffered, including business profit margins. I guess I was wrong. And why the fuck is this story not plastered on the main headlines of CNN but "Jessica Simpson: Loves To Be In Love" is?

Ok, ok they made like 12 billion dollars in profit this quarter, and I am all for getting yours and making it big, but they were profiting off of the backs off of working people in such an excessive way and it just doesn't seem right. If they decided the forsake like 3 billion, it probably would have made the majority of drivers' lives a lot easier. Like seriously, I love shoes and vacations but sometimes we need to step aside and look at the big picture and think about other people before we think about ourselves. Just saying.

Oh, and these profits... The record ones... Were lower than expected. So they knew what they were doing. So it wasn't all like, "Ooops! We accidentally raised prices to rediculously high levels and accidentally made a shit ton of money! Sorry guys, I always tell the accountants to use Excel but they insist on using Calculator and MS Word with tables for the final figures and you know how that goes! He he he!"

Also, for the record, if offered a suitcase with 1 million dollars and told I could have it if I choked a puppy to death, I would not do it. Think about that for a bit, Exxon.

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