Thursday, August 21, 2008

But Now I'M Being Discriminated Against!

Posted by: Jen

A few weeks ago a memo was leaked from The Department of Health and Human Services, outlining a plan to cut off federal funds to states, hospitals and clinics that discriminate against employees who refuse to offer birth control or abortions on religious or moral grounds. Additionally (the kicker!), it defined forms of birth control as abortion, which any 13 year old who has had health class can tell you is NOT true. Well, the final draft is out and can be found by clicking on the image of the angry uterus above. Why yes, I did Google image search "angry uterus" and lo and behold, there it was! Thank you creator of this fantastic crayon drawing, wherever you are!

Well, the final copy is finally out, and it doesn't mention anything about birth control specifically (I'm imagining it was due to the huge amount of bad press and public out-roar it got -- nice try Bush Administration, go back to being irrelevant while I focus on the Olympics and then the Democratic Convention), it does hint that doctors will be able to handle reproductive care as they see fit, not as medically necessary. Boy genius HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt puts it into layman's terms:

“Doctors and other health care providers should not be forced to choose between good professional standing and violating their conscience. Freedom of expression and action should not be surrendered upon the issuance of a health care degree.”

Soooo Mikey, why is it ok to stand up for certain rights (those of self righteous doctors) but not women in general? Why are you so concerned about the conscience of a few when the health of half of the country could potentially suffer? Cool, thanks, and fuck that noise.

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