Friday, November 21, 2008

OMG This Dog Will Haunt My Dreams!

Posted by: Jen



I don't normally remember my dreams, or even have nightmares, and I am so glad because I know that this thing is what would be chasing me! HIS EYES ARE BURNING INTO MY SOUL!

Actually I don't even know if he HAS eyes; they just look like evil evil soul sucking cavities of evil. Who would have thought that such a creature with
remarkable Heidi-like hair could be so scary?

You know how people are always like "If I were an animal what would I be?" (ok, maybe not "always like", but you know). Well I guess we now have the answer for Heidi. I'd probably be a spider monkey or an otter, just to let you know. Now please feel free to go back to being TERRIFIED.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


That picture was just FRIGHTENING! Where did you find this precious gem? Why on earth did Ms. Klum think that searching high and low for a dog that looks JUST LIKE HER was a good move?

Whats going on in people's minds? I need someone to hold me tight and rock away the fear


Thanks for posting that:)
Stop by my site when you get a moment!

Purple Vintage Space Princess