Monday, November 17, 2008

Lindsay Lohan's Leggings Cost $135

Posted by: Jen

NOW WE KNOW WHY LINDSAY WAS SEEN SPORTING FRINGEY BOOTS THAT COST 1k! At least 7.5 people have purchased her overly priced leggings! And I am talking about the kind with KNEEPADS or ZIPPERS, people. Well done Lindsay, I can now rest assured that you will not starve to death since you are not getting any work these days.

I am going to start a sock line. Some will have pom-poms, some will not, but they will all embody my youth and free spirit and general all around awesomeness. They are $85 each. Get in line ladies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can I request a pair ... kneesocks, incorporate bows.

