Monday, March 31, 2008

You would not believe how good I am with Photoshop (no, really)

Posted by: Kim

This morning at work I looked like this:

Which, obviously, garnered the following reaction:

me: oh man. i am kind of barfy right now.
what the hell
Jennifer: like, feeling sick?
me: yeah, like i so want to vomit all over the place so this feeling will stop
i'm considering it
Jennifer: morning sickness!
Your mother will be thrilled
me: you just made me choke on water. did not aid the sickness, fyi.
but funny.ha. ha.

(Later ...)

me: i fell asleep on my hands. at my desk. for an hour.
no one said anything.
i feel better now.
Jennifer: AHHHH
do you have a cube?
me: yes. tall walls.
and i was reading something, so my back was to the opening
so i guess it looked like i was ... studying hard?
Jennifer: that's great
me: i hope i snored
Jennifer: I wish I could take a nap
me: um, like, best use of my day so far
it had me thinking
about all the naps i will take
when i finally get a corner office with a lock on the door
like i will keep pj's and a blanket in my closet
Jennifer: lol oh I know
bosses must do that all the time
like that seinfeld episode where george sleeps under his desk
and then his boss comes in to look for him and SITS AT THE DESK to wait
and george is trapped
me: lol, i have never seen it
but i want to
that would happen to me. or you. probably you. but you wouldn't get caught.
if it DID happen to me, i would get caught. and i would manage to have had my clothes fall off while i was under there
Jennifer: no but I would have a horrifying story of lying under a desk for 3 hours waiting for my boss to move.
yes, that would happen to you
me: i think i am going to draw a succession of pictures in microsoft paint based upon these events.
and that shall be my next blog post.

(I was going to continue with a succession of scandalous under-the-desk paint portraits, but now that the barfy has passed, I'm hungry. And a Gossip Girl rerun is on. And a new Hills. Oh my god I'm thirteen. Sorry.)

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