Sunday, September 21, 2008

Jen! JEN! Does this mean we're on our way to fame? I feel like I should email Julia Allison.

Posted by: Kim

In response to our discussion on road-tripping In Search Of The Elusive Real Americans:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i can't decide which one of you is stupider.
the pink one sounds stupider. the blue one is probably uglier.
though i'm sure your both fat.
and stupid.

Everything about this is perfect. The anonymity! The veneer of utter coolness (capitalization, who needs you?)! THE GLARING GRAMMATICAL ERROR MADE WHILE PONDERING WHICH OF US IS STUPIDER!

Please come again, anonymous.


The Fat (but prettier!), Stupider One.


Anonymous said...

Maybe he's a math genius instead. That'll show us! -- Jen

Anonymous said...

Perhaps. Hm. I suppose we could solve some equations next post to appeal to the masses.

He. Ha. I was 900% sure that comment came from a she.


Anonymous said...

I never really noticed that you guys posted in specific different colors; I just knew that the colors were annoying. What an informative comment!

By the way, I think you're both equally dumb, equally pretty, and disappointingly not fat.